Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Garden update for Tuesday

After several hours in the garden, we now have 3 varieties of onions (Red Zeppelin, Copra, and Mars), 2 varieties of peas (Sugar Ann Snap and Lincoln Garden), and 1 variety of cabbage (Glory of Enkhuizen) planted and watered. Part of what took so long is that I'm using string to mark the square-foot beds into square feet so that it is easier to accurately place plants. I didn't last year and I found that by the time I got to the end of the bed, they were wildly off-center. So with string, tape measure, hammer, and staples, we had to mark off 7 beds. We didn't do any work on the fence today. Just ran out of time before my body gave out. And no extra beds got double-dug either. But, tomorrow is another day. It is supposed to be nice again and with no planting to do, digging will become priority number one. Hope your day was as productive!

1 comment:

OurCrazyFarm said...

Good for you! We still have at least a month before we can hope to get seeds in the ground up north. You'll be close to enjoying some of your harvest by the time we get started. I love the excitement of planting, and waiting for those little plants to pop up. My garden won't compare to how beautiful and straight yours will be. With 5 kiddos helping I am just glad if the seed lands in the general area of the rows! Terri