Saturday, December 17, 2005

The stockings were hung...

I've finally finished cross-stitching my stocking! I began this project before we had children. I started with Don's. However, I didn't finish his until after Caleb was born. Well, that meant I had to do Caleb's because I'd much rather have my son's done than mine. I got his done & bought the fabric & supplies for mine, only to find out I needed to do another one, for Meagan. Hers was completed just in the nick of time last Christmas (good thing we aren't Santa people, or she'd have been disappointed to not get one until she was 3!). I then tackled mine, telling myself I HAD to be done by this Christmas. Well, last night it was accomplished. Whew, that feels good!

We are going on a road trip this spring & I plan on starting our little China doll's stocking while we're gone. What else can I do while sitting in the car for over a week total??? Anyway, with any luck, I'll have her's all but done before she even gets here! But, then, what if they give us twins???

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