Sunday, June 7, 2009

The start of something new.

I guess you could easily call this the end. But, I prefer to think of it as just the beginning.

The 29th was Don's last day with the Air Force. He ended his tour early (it was supposed to last until mid-July) after becoming convicted that he was there outside of God's will. He felt very strongly that all the Air Force represents, including the use of force and the alignment with the powers of this world, were not where God would have him earning a living. And so, after struggling with the idea (and with God) for a while, he finally came to the place where he laid it all on the altar before God and gave it up.

And it was hard. Unbelievably hard.

Can you imagine voluntarily becoming "this economy"??? Especially when the job you had was secure, well-paying, rewarding, and enjoyable? Except for the drive, there was hardly anything Don disliked about the job. And yet, that nagging feeling, that conviction, wouldn't give him peace.

His leaving of the Air Force was quickly followed up with a resignation with the prison, as his work there had much of the same moral complications. His "last day" will be next Friday, though he won't be working there at all until that day.

What now? We don't know. For a while, I think we'll keep him busy around here...there's a greenhouse, a summer kitchen, and a chicken processing hut to build, not to mention the daily disasters to clean up and chores to do. Oh, and bonding with a new baby as well...sooner than later, hopefully! He will eventually need to go back to work, though, if we are to continue to live in this house. Thankfully, our mortgage is small, but it is there and will need to be paid. I fully trust that God will some way...though it may not be in the way that we expect...because of Don's obedience. It'll be exciting to see His mighty hand working. And in the meantime, maybe we can finally get some things done around here!


Blessed Arrows said...

Hi Gina,
The men/boys are on a camping trip and I thought I'd check in you and see what's happening on the Farm. I see I was just in time to see Don step out in Faith. You will be in our prayers. Mark always says.....God honors faith and faith honors God!

Mark made a step of faith too...we're heading back east with or without a job :-) We are scheduled to leave by the end of July. I'm like you..I do not know what is in the future but I do know Who holds our future.


Blessed Arrows said...

Oops...that was supposed to be ....
check in ON you :-)