Friday, May 1, 2009

April 2009 Farm Production

This has been a big month for our chickens around here. We've been getting a really good number of eggs per day from our flock. Our newest batch of layers (Buff Orpingtons) arrived on April 5th and they are now out in the big coop outside, which means our older layers have moved out into their movable coop out on the pasture. It is always a bit traumatic for the hens to move homes, and their production dropped off there toward the end of the month because of the move, but it should be back up in a few days as they get used to their new home again.

Our rabbits also moved back outside after their winter in the barn. They are quite happy to get green grass every day.

And, our bees came and were installed on the 28th, so we are busy making sure they do better than last year's batch. So far, so good. One hive, in particular, is going exactly as it should. The second hive hasn't been as smooth, but at this point, I'm not expecting doom.

In other farm news, tick season is upon us. I know that for many of you, that means little to nothing. But for us, it means mandatory daily tick checks and the high probability that we'll find one or two. Meagan gets them especially bad. And, Caleb caught 10 possums in one night in his trap! Well, a mama with 9 babies in her pouch. Excitement, excitement. He couldn't wait to tell our neighbor boy who held the unofficial record of getting 3 possums in one night out of their chicken coop.

And now, the production stats.

Eggs collected: 557 (about 46.4 dozen) or about 18.5/day
Eggs sold: 15 dozen


OurCrazyFarm said...

Good for you! It's been busy up here in WI, too, but we're lovin' it! We don't have possum here (although the boys would be thrilled if we did), but they have been catching gophers and coon. Congrats to Caleb on his new record! That's quite an honor! Terri

Faith said...

I'm wondering if you know of any herbs to induce labor. Can you please email me?

sarah in the woods said...

Sounds great! That's a lot of eggs.

Anonymous said...

Hello Caleb
Congrats on the record of the most possums caught at one time. How exciting is that!
Love to hear your stories but it has been pretty quiet at the farmer boy site.